What you should know about borrowing WOC equipment!
- We are excited to see you at the WOC Equipment Room. Please ask lots of questions!
- All borrowers must be WOC members. Students may join for the year for free ($15 for faculty and staff, $25 for couples).
- A member may borrow only one item of each type of equipment (e.g. only one sleeping bag at a time).
- Each borrower must read the Equipment Room Policies.
- Equipment must be returned to the Equipment Room during scheduled hours. Please do not leave gear outside of the ER when it is closed.
- Equipment must be returned clean, dry, and in good repair.
- Winter Equipment (skis, snowshoes, sleds, warm clothing, gaiters) is due the next day after loan.
- Camping Equipment is due a week from the borrow date
- All borrowers must understand our late fines policy:
- Late fee: $1/item/day (up to double the replacement cost).
- For any lost or unreturned equipment, DOUBLE the replacement cost will be charged to your term bill at the end of each semester.
- For any equipment damaged through negligence, a fine may be assessed.
Equipment Room Policies for Winter Study
Snowshoes, Sleds, Nordic Skiing equipment, and Telemark Skiing equipment may only be borrowed for a 24 hr period Monday – Thursday. Equipment borrowed on Friday or Saturday must be returned on the following Monday.
Snowshoes, Nordic Skiing equipment, and Telemark Skiing equipment must be returned by 1:00 pm in order to be used in PE classes.
Snowshoes, Nordic Skiing equipment, and Telemark Skiing equipment will not be loaned out until after 1:00 pm in order to be used in PE classes.
Telemark Skiing equipment may only be borrowed by students currently enrolled in a WOC Telemark Skiing class or graduates of the same. Equivalent experience may be approved by the WOC Director, Assistant Director, or Telemark Skiing Coordinator.
Only 1 equipment item of each type may be borrowed per student. A visiting guest of a student member may borrow a 2nd item.